Sphynxcraft Cats
Mysterious beauty awaits!
Our Cats will put a spell on you!

We've loved every minute of our journey
The Beginning
I bought my first Sphynx in 2011 and the rest is history! He came to me from the late Frances Shownofur Fischer, who would become a dear friend, mentor, and fellow cat show enthusiast. Together we cheered our cat, Shownofur Bat Mr Batsy Cow Bell, on to TICA Supreme Grand Champion and later TICA's 14th Best Alter in the Northwest Region in 2014. Fran was an endless source of wisdom and support and will forever be remembered with great fondness by myself and my fellow Sphynx crew.

Our First Kitten
Our first baby was born in 2012, from Bdellium Misty Mountain Blue Boy and Angelsoftbc Jaele of Bdellium. Her name is Bdellium Shesmyheart of Sphynxcraft and is now a retired breeder residing with a happy family in Vancouver. She is a blue tabby.
Sphynxcraft Cats
Having loved and cared for our cats and after several years of showing in TICA, we officially launched Sphynxcraft cattery in 2014. We are located in the beautiful Fraser Valley in British Columbia, Canada. We are an HCM scanning cattery and provide the best of veterinary care to our cats. We continue to show and have Regional Winning Supremes, Quadruple, Triple Grand Champion, Champion and imported lines. We have imported several breeding cats from Russia and Europe to expand our gene pool. Our kittens are placed, on contract, for pet and show, into approved homes only and are dewormed, vaccinated, microchipped and altered prior to placement. We offer a health guarantee and provide Breeder support for life.