Sphynxcraft Cats
Mysterious beauty awaits!
Our Cats will put a spell on you!

SPHYNXCRAFT CATS Kitten/Cat Adoption Contract
DEPOSIT/PAYMENT Prices are as advertised or agreed upon by the Breeder and Adopter. Generally pet kittens are listed at $2100 under the age of 8 months. Deposits are accepted to hold a kitten and are non-refundable. If the Adopter should decide not to continue with the adoption of the kitten, the deposit is forfeited. This is due to loss of other adoption potential for the Breeder. Payment is by cash, onÂline etransfer, money order or wire transfer.
Price of this kitten/cat is __________________________less deposit of__________________. Final payment must be received at the time of pick​ up or delivery.
HEALTH GUARANTEE Sphynxcraft Cats guarantees the kitten to be in good health at the time of adoption for a period of 72 hours. Feline health records are provided. All kittens are vaccinated (1-2X), dewormed (2-3X), microchipped, and spayed/neutered prior to adoption along with six weeks trial Pet Insurance. It is recommended to continue with pet insurance from the either the trial company or another of the Adopter\s choice. It is the responsibility of the Adopter to have the kitten examined by a veterinarian within 72 hours. Within that 72 hours if the kitten is found to be seriously medically deficient, Sphynxcraft Cats will take the kitten back with proper documentation from a licensed Veterinarian as to the medical issue. After the 72 hour period, the Breeder can no longer guarantee the kitten's health, except for birth defects. The Breeder assumes no liability or responsibility for any veterinary care for the kitten after the Adopter takes possession of said kitten. Under no circumstances will Sphynxcraft Cats be responsible for any veterinary bills incurred by the Adopter. Should the Adopter have other pets in the household, best practice is to quarantine the new kitten for a two week period before introductions are made. This kitten is not guaranteed against respiratory disease, fleas, ringworm or any nuisance disease. Sphynxcraft Cats guarantees the kitten against lethal genetic or hereditary/congenital defects, for one year following the date of adoption. Adult cats are guaranteed for a six month period depending on age. There is now a three year HCM guarantee for kittens. If during this period the kitten should die or have to be destroyed due to a genetic or congenital disease, the Adopter must provide a necropsy by a licensed impartial Veterinary Pathologist stating the cause of death is unquestionably a genetic or congenital defect. or HCM. Sphynxcraft Cats will replace the kitten with another of the Adopter's choice at their earliest convenience for cost of vetting. No kitten or cat is to be destroyed without notification to Sphynxcraft Cats. Our cats are not vaccinated for FIP and FELV as these vaccincations can depress the immune system. If vaccinated following purchase, the contract is void.
This kitten/cat will be kept INDOORS​ and not allowed to roam outdoors. The Adopter agrees that this kitten/cat may not be declawed.​ DeÂclawing voids the contract. The new kitten/cat should he confined to a private room, with plenty of toys and human contact until accustomed to their new surroundings. It is recommended that the kitten/cat remain on the same diet it is accustomed to, and any changes the Adopter wishes to make, be gradual as abrupt change of diet can cause diarrhea and stomach upset. It is understood that with the Sphynx breed, hairlessness will vary between individual kittens/cats due to hormones, climate and genetics. It is important for the Adopter to understand it is impossible to guarantee hairlessness for the life of the cat. It is possible for the kitten/cat to develop some hair as it grows older. This hair is specific to the tail, feet and ears.
If at any time during the life of the said kitten/cat, there is a need to re-​ home, the Breeder must be notified immediately and have first refusal. No money shall be returned to the Adopter for the return of the kitten/cat. The Adopter agrees that under no circumstances will the kitten/cat ever be sold, leased, given away, abandoned, to an animal shelter, pet store, or similar organization, research laboratory or similar facility, institution or person. The sole exception is in the event of re-Âhoming as agreed to by the parties with full disclosure of all details and particulars of new owner. This is to avoid any of our kittens/cats ending up in a home that is not ideal. We feel a lifelong commitment to our cats and provide Breeder support for life.
The Adopter agrees to allow contact information to be provided to Royal Canin as part of the Breeder's program, the pet insurance and microchip provider, as well as TICA, should the Adopter wish to have the Breeder register the kitten in their name. The Adopter agrees to allow the Breeder to announce the adoption of a Sphynxcraft kitten or cat, ​ as agreed upon by the parties, for the promotion of Sphynxcraft Cattery. The Adopter agrees to update Sphynxcraft regarding the progress and well-being of the kitten at minimum once a year. The Adopter shall be liable for all expenses in the amount of adoption of the kitten/cat, any crate and shipping expenses, associated veterinary expenses, costs resulting from litigating this contract, and any damages caused to the reputation of Sphynxcraft Cats. This document is a legally binding contract. In signing this document the Adopter acknowledges and agrees to all of the terms and conditions stated above.
Name/Signature of Breeder: _____________________________________________________
Name/Signature of Adopter:_____________________________________________________
Address including postal code:_______________________________________________________________
Two contact phone numbers: ________________________________________________________________